David Cunningham, M.A.


Obituary from TDGNHAS, Series III, Vol. LXVII, p.93

We regret to have to record the death of David Cunningham, the senior Fellow of the Society.

David was a Life Member of the Society having been elected in 1945, and took a very active part in its work in the years following the Second World War. He served as Honorary Secretary from October 1949 to March 1951 and was President from October 1953 to October 1956.

He was a quiet unassuming man whose chief interest was in Lepidoptera. He was a close friend of the late Sir Arthur Duncan, and together they made valuable contributions to our knowledge of the moth fauna of Dumfries and Galloway. His Presidential address to the Society was on the distribution in the Solway area of the group of moths known as the Prominents.


  • Butterflies and Moths of the Solway Area. TDGNHAS Series III, Vol. XXV (1946–47), pp.69–75.
  • Butterflies and Moths of the Solway Area: Further Additions and Notes. TDGNHAS Series III, Vol. XXVIII (1949–50), pp.150–156.
  • Moths Taken at Light in 1951 in Dumfriesshire and Eastern Kirkcudbrightshire. (Co-author with Arthur B. Duncan), TDGNHAS Series III, Vol. XXX (1951–52), pp.166–170.

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