J. McCrindle

Articles by this author

J. McCrindle

Ailsa Craig and its Birds [Summary only]

Ornithology, Geology

TDGNHAS Series III, 18 (1931-33), 242(WARNING very large file size: 68.6 MB)


The lecturer gave a brief geological and topographical description of the rock, and afterwards sketched its historical associations. The remainder of the lecture was on the bird life of the rock, and was illustrated by lantern slides.

J. McCrindle

The Firth of Clyde and its Edible Fishes [Summary only]

Zoology, Recent (Social)

TDGNHAS Series III, 20 (1935-36), 35(WARNING very large file size: 60.71 MB)


After describing the physiography of the sea bottom between Arran and the mainland, the tides and the currents, he gave an account of the spawning grounds of the herring and sketched their life history. He then showed how they were fished, and went on to