
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Anthropology’

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25


R.H. Campbell

Autism in History: the Case of Hugh Blair of Borgue, Rab Houstan and Una Frith, Blackwell, Oxford, 2000. A Review

Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy, Anthropology, Review

TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 187(1.92 MB)


Review of 'Autism in History: the case of Hugh Blair of Borgue' - quotes voluminous evidence of a cross-section of People from Borgue who were cited to help a jury decide whether Blair was mentally incapable of giving informed assent to his marriage to th


S. Dunlop

Primitive Marriage [Mention only]

Anthropology, Ethnography

TDGNHAS Series III, 5 (1916-18), 124(WARNING very large file size: 17.97 MB)


This valuable anthropological lecture dealt fully with the classification into which scientists divide the early forms of marriage. The data on which the lecture was based were almost all drawn from savage life, the lecture following in the main the concl